orn in an igloo in 1955, Theo Ikummaq has been spent his life working as a hunter, teacher and conservation officer in the Arctic. Over the years, his deep knowledge of the land, Inuit culture, and his early recognition of the effects of climate change have made him a much sought after guide. He has contributed to numerous academic articles, worked as a guide for authors such as Wade Davis, a renowned anthropologist and explorer, and even starred in a movie based on his efforts to raise awareness about climate change.
In this series of videos, Theo talks about growing up in the Arctic, residential school, reclaiming his culture and more.
Early Life & Residential School
"We were living nomadically. Life revolved around the 13 moons."
Being Attacked by a Polar Bear
"This was a first, and hopefully the last!"
The Loss of Arctic Sea Ice
"If you look at ice, that's where life starts."
Permafrost Thaw
"Now we have these islands coming up out of nowhere."
Adapting to Climate Change
"If the animals can adapt, so can we."
Banner Image Courtesy of Tiberius Film